I've bought cigars online for years and have never found any site that compared to Cigar
Hustler in customer service and shipping on time.Cigar Hustler is the place to buy cigars from.
I'm deployed, and Mike and his staff never fail to personalize my orders and make me feel like a VIP. They pack and ship my orders with care and ensure that they arrive fresh. I'm very appreciative and have become a loyal customer. #truecigarhustler
I'm sure others will agree, sometimes shopping online can feel a bit risky (having been burnt before, I speak from experience). So for those of you researching the testimonials, as do I, let me just say the overall opinion of my purchase and this site rates a perfect 10. Quality, pricing, the...
I have searched for some special cigars and cigarhustler has always been able to provide, and I live in Sweden but that is no problem at all. Fast international shipping, great service!